Announcing Vijual, a graph layout tool

January 25, 2010

Group member Conrad Barski has just released version 0.1.0 of Vijual, a graph layout engine written in Clojure. Check Conrad’s detailed announcement for lots of information about installation and use. One detail that caught my eye is the use of the leiningen build tool and clojars community repository to package and distribute Vijual. This looks like an emerging standard.

The Joy of Michael Fogus

January 14, 2010

Here are two pieces of information related to group member Michael Fogus. First, he will be speaking later today, January 14, at FGM in Reston, on the subject of Clojure 1.1 features. More info is at the Capital Area Clojure Users Group meetup site. Second, the book he is co-authoring with Chris Houser, The Joy of Clojure, is available for pre-ordering, and when you pre-order you may read the book as it progresses.

Congratulations, fogus!

Clojure at DC’s ALT.NET, January 27, 7PM

January 13, 2010

Group member Craig Andera is speaking about Clojure at this month’s ALT.NET meeting. It’s being held at the Motley Fool’s offices in Alexandria, 5 minutes from the Metro stop, on Wednesday, January 27, at 7pm.

Sign up here (it’s free):

From the event’s description:

So, what is Clojure?

C# has been adding exciting new features with every release, but many of these have been available in other languages for years or even decades. By examining some of the features of these other languages, we can hope to glean what’s in store for the future of C#. Clojure is a JVM-based Lisp with an integral and interesting approach to concurrency. In this talk, we’ll examine those features, after a brief introduction to Clojure syntax.

Who is Craig?

Craig Andera … is an independent consultant with Wangdera Corporation, where he holds the rank of Jedi Master. He focuses on the design and implementation of large-scale, web-based systems.